Sean Purdy

Remote Work Statistics: 20 Insights into the Future of Remote Work

The concept of remote work has been steadily gaining momentum, dramatically reshaping the way we think about work, life, and the space that separates (or unites) the two. But what do the numbers say?


To answer that question, we’ve compiled 20 must-know remote work statistics that will give you a comprehensive overview of this evolving landscape. Whether you’re a remote worker, an employer considering a more flexible work model, or simply a curious observer, these statistics offer a multifaceted view of the state of remote work in 2023.


From the growing rate of remote work adoption to the challenges and benefits that come with it, these statistics will provide valuable insights. They are categorized into four key aspects: Adoption & Growth, Challenges & Barriers, Employee Sentiment, and Employer Benefits. So sit back and delve into this data-driven journey to get a clearer picture of what remote work really means today and what it could look like in the years to come.

Remote Work Statistics:

  1. Adoption & Growth
  2. Challenges & Barriers
  3. Employee Sentiment
  4. Employer Benefits
Growth of remote work
  • Time Span: The graph represents the growth of remote work over the past 10 years.
  • Growth Rate: The rate of growth is 91%, compounded annually over this period.
  • Initial Value: The base year (Year 0) starts with a value of 100%, serving as a reference point for subsequent growth.
  • Scale: The y-axis displays the percentage growth in remote work, reaching nearly 200% by Year 10.

Adoption & Growth

Stat: 16% of companies worldwide are fully remote
Insight: The remote work model is seeing global adoption, not just in specific countries.
Source: Codesubmit


Stat: 62% of US workers between 22-65 say they work from home at least occasionally
Insight: The percentage figures indicate that this is a considerable portion of the respective population.
Source: codesubmit


Stat: Remote work has grown 91% over the past 10 years
Insight: The percentage figures indicate that this is a considerable portion of the respective population.
Source: codesubmit


Stat: Remote work has increased by 44% in the past 5 years
Insight: The percentage figures indicate that this is a considerable portion of the respective population.
Source: codesubmit


Stat: 52% of workers worked from home at least once a week prior to the pandemic
Insight: The percentage figures indicate that this is a considerable portion of the respective population.
Source: codesubmit


Stat: By the end of 2022, it’s estimated that 25% of all job vacancies will be remote
Insight: The percentage figures indicate that this is a considerable portion of the respective population.
Source: codesubmit


Stat: Updating knowledge and learning, working with computers, and thinking creatively topped the list of activities with the greatest potential for remote work, with up to 91%, 75%, and 68% in respective remote work potential
Insight: The percentage figures indicate that this is a considerable portion of the respective population.
Source: Goco


Stat: By 2025, an estimated 32.6 million Americans will be working remotely, which equates to about 22% of the workforce
Insight: The percentage figures indicate that this is a considerable portion of the respective population.
Source: Forbes

  • Projection Year: The data is projected for the year 2025.
  • Total Remote Workforce: An estimated 32.6 million Americans will be working remotely.
  • Percentage of Workforce: This remote workforce will make up about 22% of the total U.S. workforce.
  • On-site Workforce: The remaining 78% of the workforce will be working on-site.

Challenges & Barriers

Stat: Only 25% of employees believe empathy in their workplace is sufficient
Insight: The percentage figures indicate that this is a considerable portion of the respective population.
Source: Goco


Stat: 37% of remote workers don’t feel connected to their peers
Insight: The percentage figures indicate that this is a considerable portion of the respective population.
Source: Goco


Stat: 50% of Gen Z remote workers struggle to communicate with peers
Insight: The percentage figures indicate that this is a considerable portion of the respective population.
Source: Goco

  • Target Demographic: The chart focuses on Gen Z remote workers.
  • Communication Struggles: 50% of Gen Z remote workers struggle to communicate with their peers.
  • No Struggles: The remaining 50% do not have communication issues.
  • Equal Distribution: The data shows an equal split between those who struggle and those who do not.

Employee Sentiment

Stat: 75% of global workers believe remote working is the new normal
Insight: The percentage figures indicate that this is a considerable portion of the respective population.
Source: codesubmit


Stat: 80% of workers believe remote options help them take care of their mental health
Insight: The percentage figures indicate that this is a considerable portion of the respective population.
Source: Goco


Stat: 98% of workers want to work remote at least some of the time
Insight: The percentage figures indicate that this is a considerable portion of the respective population.
Source: Buffer


Stat: The ability to organize work hours around personal responsibilities and preferences is a significant advantage of remote work, leading to increased job satisfaction
Insight: Insight: Further analysis needed.
Source: Buffer


Stat: 91% of employees state their productivity working remotely is the same as it was in the office or has improved
Insight: The percentage figures indicate that this is a considerable portion of the respective population.
Source: Buffer


Stat: Remote work statistics indicate benefits across the board, ranging from improved mental health and better work-life balance to increased productivity and efficiency
Insight: The statistic suggests that remote work can lead to performance improvements.
Source: Buffer


Stat: Remote work continues to be perceived as very positive, with 98% of respondents wanting to work remotely, at least some of the time, for the rest of their careers
Insight: The percentage figures indicate that this is a considerable portion of the respective population.
Source: Buffer

  • Main Focus: The chart explores workers’ beliefs about the impact of remote work options on their mental health.
  • Positive Belief: A significant 80% of workers believe that remote work options positively impact their mental health.
  • Skeptical Minority: The remaining 20% do not believe that remote work options help with mental health.

Employer Benefits

Stat: Remote employers report increased productivity (42%) and efficiency (38%)
Insight: The percentage figures indicate that this is a considerable portion of the respective population.
Source: Goco


Stat: Remote managers still own 70% of their team’s engagement levels
Insight: The percentage figures indicate that this is a considerable portion of the respective population.
Source: Goco

  • Main Focus: The chart presents data on the benefits of remote work as reported by employers.
  • Increased Productivity: 42% of remote employers report an increase in productivity.
  • Increased Efficiency: 38% of remote employers report an increase in efficiency.
  • Two Main Categories: The chart focuses on two significant areas of benefit—productivity and efficiency.

Overall Insights

Remote work is no longer just a trend; it’s becoming the new normal for many organizations and individuals. While the benefits are plentiful, challenges still exist, affecting both employers and employees. The statistics presented provide a comprehensive look at the current state of remote work, from its adoption and growth to the sentiments and challenges that people face.

1. Adoption is Rising: A significant number of companies have gone fully remote, and many employees now have the flexibility to work from home at least occasionally.

2. Employee Sentiment is Positive: The majority of workers view remote work as the new normal, indicating a broad cultural shift.

3. Employer Benefits are Tangible: Employers report notable gains in productivity and efficiency, substantiating the business case for remote work.

4. Challenges Need Addressing: Despite the positive sentiments and benefits, challenges like insufficient empathy in the workplace indicate that there is room for improvement.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Remote work refers to a working style that allows professionals to work outside of a traditional office environment. It is based on the concept that work does not need to be done in a specific place to be executed successfully.

Popular job sites for remote work in the UK often include,, and LinkedIn. Each platform has its own set of features to help job seekers find remote positions.

“Work from home” is a type of remote work where the employee works from their home. Remote work is a broader term that includes working from anywhere outside the traditional office, which could be a coworking space, a café, or even another country.

Working remotely in the UK generally requires a stable internet connection, a functional workspace, and the necessary tools and software for your job. Make sure to check any legal requirements or company policies that may apply.

Remote jobs offer various benefits, such as flexibility, a better work-life balance, and the possibility to work from anywhere. However, they also come with challenges like potential isolation and difficulties in team communication.

Many people find remote work better due to its flexibility, reduced commute times, and the ability to create a personalized work environment. It also allows companies to tap into a global talent pool.

Yes, you are generally required to pay income tax on your earnings if you work remotely in the UK, just as you would if you were working in a traditional office. However, tax laws can be complex, so it’s advised to consult a tax professional for personalized advice.


The landscape of remote work is complex but promising. As technology continues to evolve, it’s likely that remote work will become even more ingrained in our daily lives. While challenges exist, the benefits for both employers and employees are hard to ignore. Going forward, it’s crucial for organizations to adapt, listen to their employees, and continuously improve to make the most of the opportunities that remote work and remote work statistics offers.


Remote Work: The Ultimate Guide for Working from Anywhere

Ok so now you have all the relevant Remote work stats to keep you busy, I think its time you delve in deeper to the ultimate guide for remote work.

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